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About Our Teachers

CTE Teachers Bring Industry Experience and Connections into the Classroom

Career and Technical Education programs take learning beyond the classroom to teach students the theory and bring them out to the lab, workshop or worksite to apply that knowledge to real-world applications. This blend of rigorous academics and applied learning provides students with the opportunity to explore their interests, talents and ambitions in a dynamic and interactive setting.

The lynchpin in this structure is the unique character of the CTE teacher, who typically has years of industry experience before making the transition to the classroom. Whether they come from construction sites, hospitals or engineering companies, CTE teachers have one thing in common: their desire to have a meaningful job that has a positive and active impact on young lives.

CRTC Teachers

CRTC Criminal Justice teacher, Gail Beaudoin, has over three decades of law enforcement experience, including 11 years as a Criminal Bureau detective, and was the first female in the Chelmsford, MA, Police Department to attain the rank of Lieutenant. She’s been with the CRTC since 2017.

“What excites me the most about being a CTE teacher is sharing my personal experiences from on the job with my students. At the end of the day, I get great satisfaction from knowing that I’ve had a real impact in helping to build the next generation of Criminal Justice professionals.”

-Gail Beaudoin

                  CRTC Criminal Justice teacher

Most CRTC teachers have more than a decade of industry experience and incorporate their professional network of local employers into their program planning and work-based learning opportunities. The result is that our students engage in authentic learning and can build the beginnings of a professional network of their own.

To learn more about our individual CRTC teachers, visit our CRTC Teachers page.

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