Taking Career Experience, Education and Exploration to The Next Level
As a CRTC student, CRTC+ puts you in charge of building a personalized learning experience that will give you a head start on your college and career ambitions. We work with you to create a customized career pathway plan that goes beyond what your CRTC program or high school offers by:
- Enrolling in state-sponsored pre-apprenticeship programs
- Attending on-campus college courses
- Engaging in advanced work-based learning experiences
- Building your career communications skills
CRTC+ students gain a remarkable sense of pride, purpose and maturity by personalizing their educational and career development options to both jumpstart their career path and gain a competitive edge on college and employment applications.
“The CRTC Construction Trades program introduced me to the career path I want to take and has taught me the skills I’ll need to be successful in this field. CRTC+ lets me jumpstart that journey while I’m still in high school.”
– CRTC+ student Kaitlynn McKillop, Construction Trades, John Stark Regional High School Class of 2023

Olivia Anderson
LRCC – Emergency Services – Fire Science
Josh Blye
MCC – Construction Trades – Welding Technologies
Carter Haywood
Minery – NHTI – Graphic Design and Creative Media